Town Office

Welcome to Penobscot’s Town Office!

The Penobscot Town Office is located on Southern Bay Road, at the junction of Routes 199 and 175. The town office hours are listed below. Note that the Town Clerk, Registrar of Voters, Treasurer, and Tax Collector keep different hours and therefore certain tasks are performed only on certain days.

Contact Information

credit cards accepted

Office Hours:

  • Monday: 9 am to 1 pm
  • Tuesday 9 am to 1 pm & 3 pm to 7 pm
  • Thursday 9 am to 4 pm

Town Drop Box

The Town Office has an official drop off box for items that you may need to leave for town officials. If you are a resident leaving information you would like to have completed by someone in the office, such as a check for a tax payment, please put your documents in a sealed envelope with your name and contact information (phone number, address and email).

This will also serve as an official town ballot box for those who would like to return their ballots to a drop box during the next election. If you have any questions please contact those in the office via phone or email.

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Penobscot Select Board

The Town of Penobscot is governed by the Select Board, consisting of three elected members, each serving staggered 3-year terms.

Regular Meeting Information

  • Time: Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. There is no meeting the 5th Tuesday of the month.
  • Location: Penobscot Town Office, on Southern Bay Road, at the junction of routes 199 and 175.

Select Board Members

Chair - Harold Hatch (2027)

Harold Hatch

  • A Penobscot native, Harold has served on the Select board since 2006.
  • Phone: 326-9383

Philip Rapp (2026)

Phillip Rapp

  • Philip moved to Penobscot in 2013 from Hampden.
  • He retired from a 30-year career as a civil engineer.
  • Philip was elected to the Board of Selectmen in 2017.
  • Phone: 326-0818

Sara Leighton (2028)

Sara Leighton

  • Sara was born in Castine, raised in Blue Hill and has lived in Penobscot since 2009.
  • By day, Sara is an active real estate broker.
  • Since settling in Penobscot, she has been very active in her community, serving on various town committees through the years and you can always find her staffing the ballot box on Election Day.
  • Phone: 326-4185


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Town Clerk

Below you will find helpful links and information.

Contact Information

Town Clerk, Registrar - Sally Bridges

Sally Bridges

Dog Licenses

The State of Maine requires dogs to be licensed at 6 months of age or within 10 days of ownership. You must show evidence of current rabies vaccination at the time of registration (yearly) and a spay/neuter certificate, if applicable. Renewal period for dog licensing begins in Mid-October of each year, when the new tags are received from Animal Welfare, and must be completed no later than December 31st of each year.

  • Dog licensing fees: Spayed / Neutered: $6 per year.
  • Dog licensing fees: Not Spayed / Neutered: $11 per year. Late Fees: $25 per dog (The dog must be licensed by January of each year.)

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Hunting or fishing licenses may be purchased from the Town Clerk or Tax Collector during their office hours. Further information can be found at the following links.

Marriage Intentions Form

Getting married? Make sure you have everything in place before the big day. Before you can obtain a marriage license, both parties must come to the town office to complete a Marriage Intentions Form.

  • Bring IDs
  • If previously married, a divorce decree.
  • It takes approximately 40 minutes to complete the paperwork.
  • Appointments are recommended.

Vital Records

For copies of a birth certificate, marriage license, or death certificate, an application is available with the Town Clerk.

Voter Registration

Voter registration through the Town Clerk must be done in person. Bring proof of residency, such as a copy of your Maine driver’s license, Maine state ID card, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and physical address (not a P.O. Box).

Voting boxes

Vote on Election Day between 8 am and 8 pm, at the Penobscot Fire House.

To vote in a Referendum or General Election;

  • You must be a US citizen
  • Be registered in the community where you reside
  • And be at least 18 years of age.
  • A 17-year-old may vote in a Primary Election, if that person will be 18 by the General Election.
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Tax Collector

Below you will find helpful links and information on tax collection.

  • Notice: If you change your mailing address, please inform the Town Office.

Contact Information

Tax Collector - Elizabeth Hutchins

Elizabeth Hutchins

Deputy Tax Collector - Sally Austin (on leave)

Sally Austin

Deputy Tax Collector - Rita Martynowski

Treasurer - Amy Dunn

Deputy Clerk/Website Manager - Heidi Reinhard

Vehicle Registration

Any Penobscot Resident can now re-register any auto or trailer online instead of coming into the office. You are required to have your current registration, mileage, and insurance card all in front of you when completing this process and Augusta will mail you your stickers and New Registration once complete. Head over to Rapid Renewal Site.

At the town office, please be prepared to present your registration, proof of insurance and the current mileage.

Excise taxes are paid at the town office.

Documents for Re-registration:

  • Old Registration
  • Current Insurance Card
  • Odometer Mileage
  • Payment in the form of cash or check. Checks must have current address and phone number. Credit cards can also be used but will incur a 2.5% processing fee

Documents for New Registration

  • Title or blue copy of Application for Title
  • Bill of Sale
  • MSRP for new vehicle
  • proof of payment of sales tax (signed by registered owner)
  • registration for plates transferred
  • current insurance card.
  • If coming from out of state, two documents proving ownership, to indicate owner’s name and vehicle ID number.

AND, If applicable:

  • Lease Agreement
  • Parent or legal guardian signature if under 18 years of age
  • Other (court documents, power of attorney, death certificate, import papers, etc.)
  • Payment in the form of cash or check. Checks must have current address and phone number. Credit cards can also be used but will incur a 2.5% processing fee

License plates are handled at the Sedgwick or Ellsworth town offices. Vanity plates can be obtained from the state for an annual fee. More information on vanity plates can be found at the state website here.

Helpful Links

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