- Animal Control Officer
- Alewife Committee
- Appeals Board
- Code Enforcement Officer
- Comprehensive Planning Committee
- Constable
- Finance Committee
- Internet Committee
- Planning Board
- Plumbing Inspector
- Road Commissioner
- Shellfish Warden and Committee
Animal Control Officer
Robert Gross
- Phone: 207-326-8651
Duties & Responsibilities
The officer only takes care of domestic animals.
Wildlife rehabilitators care for injured birds and animals. Contact one of these individuals if you have encountered one.
Ann River Mt Desert 288-4960 All birds, turtles all mammals except raccoons.*
Heather Grierson Mt. Desert 667-3244 All mammals except raccoons*
Susan Wotton Brooklin 854- 549-2407 Mammals only*
* has federal permit
If you have an issue with living wildlife ( bears, skunks, porcupines, etc.), please contact a game warden at Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
All deceased animals located on state maintained roads should be reported to the D.O.T.
(Back to top)Alewife Committee
Duties & Responsibilities
The Alewife Committee was formed in 2015 in response to the DMR’s 2011 suspension of alewife fishing rights in Penobscot. The Committee’s duties include organizing alewife counts and monitoring their runs.
- The Committee’s duties include collecting all biological data, including the number of fish entering the pond, as required by State and Federal authorities.
- This data is used to determine if the alewife run can be harvested in a sustainable manner.
- Alewives are an important component of the food web. From egg to adult, an alewife is always something’s lunch. The Passamaquoddy word for alewife means “fish that feeds all”. Scientists believe that removing dams on our major rivers will allow bait fish, like alewives, to multiply which will provide the food base needed to restore cod and haddock to the Gulf of Maine.
- The Maine Coast Heritage Trust was the key sponsor responsible for the recent fish passage improvements at Pierce’s and Wight’s Ponds.
- The Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries marine biologists and policy experts have provided data that convinced the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to approve a change to the Maine Department of Marine Resources River Herring Management Plan which now allows the town to have a limited commercial harvest of alewives.
- Sometimes we see alewives that appear to be in trouble or cannot make their way up the brook. Please do not move any rocks in the brook to alter the water flow.
The Alewife Committee monitors Winslow Stream and Mill Creek almost daily. If you believe there is a problem or would like to volunteer with managing the alewife runs in Penobscot, please contact us.
Contact Information
Chair - Bailey Bowden
- Phone: 207-326-8524
Member - Toby Wardwell
Member - David Wardwell
Member - Ed Wardwell
Member - Shelly Griffin
Appeals Board
Duties & Responsibilities
The Appeals Board is responsible for hearing appeals of town matters like the Land Use Ordinance. If a citizen believes the Planning Board or Code Enforcement Officer has made an error of administration with regards to a building permit or has simply failed to act, or if a citizen wishes to have dimensional requirements relaxed, the matter comes before the Appeals Board.
If any resident feels that they need an appointment with the Appeals Board, please contact the Town Office or the Select Board.
- Member - Jeff Berzinis
- Member - David Koenka
- Member - Troy Staple
- Member - Steve Skillins
- Member - Jeanine Kimball
- Member - Tom Adamo
Code Enforcement Officer
Duties & Responsibilities
The Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for the administrative and technical work in conducting building inspections, securing compliance with code and zoning regulations, and assisting the planning board by offering advice and counsel.
Contact Information
C.E.O. - Bryce Farnham
- Phone: 207-701-8465
- Email:
Comprehensive Planning Committee
Duties & Responsibilities
The Select board of Penobscot established a Comprehensive Planning Committee on December 18, 2018 for the purpose of preparing a Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Penobscot.
Penobscot’s Comprehensive Planning Committee completed the final draft of the Plan which was approved by the Bureau of Resource Information & Land Use Planning as of February 2024. The town vote passed the warrant at the special town meeting held June 10, 2024.
The Comprehensive Plan will need constant updates. Watch for community participation opportunities on the News page.
Chair - Bailey Bowden
- Phone: 207-326-8524
Vice-Chair - Jonathan Albrecht
Secretary - Barbara Dillon Hillas
Member - Jessie Allen
Member - Bundy Boit
Member - Rich Hewitt
Member - Art Washburn
Member - Maggie Williams
Former members - Jim Henry Jr, Elizabeth Leclerc
(Back to top)Constable
Duties and Responsibilities
The constable posts information as to the location for all the town meetings and places copies of the annual town report in at least three (3) public places within seven (7) days of the meeting .
These locations are ordinarily the town office, Northern Bay Market as well as the USPS office but will posted elsewhere as locations become available.
Art Washburn
Finance Committee
Duties and Responsibilities
The duty of the Finance Committee is to consider and make recommendations about any money or finance related questions during the Town Meetings, as well as handle the annual budget.
The Finance Committee is an elected committee with seven serving members.
- Chair - Audrey Bradford / 266-2171
- Member - Jonathan Albrecht
- Member - Audrey Berzinis
- Member - Royce Hardin
- Member - Jeanna LeClerc
- Member - Casey McGraw
- Member - Joel Katz
- Member - Vivian Turner
Internet Committee
Duties and Responsibilities
The Penobscot Internet Committee was formed to address the lack of affordable, high-speed internet access in the Town of Penobscot. In 2017, the Committee was reorganized.
The 2018 Town meeting authorized hiring a consultant to study options for improving internet access in Penobscot and subsequently Axiom of Machias was hired. On 9/18/2018 Mark Ouellette President of Axiom and the Internet Committee held a kick-off meeting for the study. Through the hard work of the Committee, fiber optics are now available in Penobscot.
Watch the calendar for Penobscot Technology Workshops “Any device, any questions!”
- To order fiber optic internet service please click here.
- Benefits of Fiber Optics
- Test your Internet Speed
- Email the Committee:
- Member - Joel Katz
- Member - Jonathan Albrecht
- Member - Royce Hardin
- Member - Rick Leighton
- Member - Phil Rapp
Planning Board
Duties and Responsibilities
Penobscot’s Planning Board is composed of 5 members. The board meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall. From May to October, the Planning Board also meets the third Tuesday of each month.
Contact Information
Chair - Dana Willis
- Phone: 207-460-6276
- Secretary - Jonathan Allen
- Member - Winsor Bowden III
- Member - Donald Bradford
- Member - Elizabeth Snow
Plumbing Inspector
Duties & Responsibilities
The Plumbing Inspector inspects all plumbing for which permits are granted to ensure compliance with state rules and municipal ordinances and investigate all construction or work covered by those rules and ordinances.
Contact Information
Plumbing Inspector - Bryce Farnham
- Phone: 207-701-8465
- Email:
Road Commissioner
Duties & Responsibilities
The Road Commissioner is responsible for ensuring that municipal ways are safe and convenient for motor vehicles and pedestrians. They also perform a variety of maintenance and construction tasks.
Contact Information
Road Commissioner - William P. Hutchins
- Contact the town office (326-4364) and leave a message for the select board or come to their meeting on a Tuesday evening.
Shellfish Warden and Committee
Duties & Responsibilities
Municipal conservation shellfish wardens are hired by the town to patrol flats, ensure diggers are properly licensed, and ensure digging activities are legal.
Penobscot Shellfish Closures:
Shellfish Warden - Steve Bechard
- Chair - Bailey Bowden
- Secretary - Ed Wardwell
- Member - Edward Gracie
- Member - James Hatch
- Member - Jesse Leach
- Member - Shelly Griffin