Area emergency services are listed below. For non-emergent inquiries or questions, call the numbers below. If you have an emergency, DIAL 9-1-1
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- Penobscot Volunteer Fire Department
- Hancock County Sheriff’s Office
- Penobscot Transfer Station
- Other Services
Penobscot Vol. Fire Department
Proudly Serving our community.
- For Fire Permits, call Chief James Clarke at (207) 669-2805, the fire station at (207) 326-4296 or go to Snow’s garage during business hours, or go online to this link.
Contact Information
- Address: 46 North Penobscot Road, Route 199
- Mailing Address: P. O. Box 20, Penobscot, Maine 04476
- In Case of Emergency: DIAL 9-1-1
- Phone: (207) 326-4296 or (207) 669-2805
- Website: P.V. FD
- Meetings: Every Monday at 6:00pm
- Email:
Fire Chief - James Clarke
- Assistant Chief - Tyler Snow
- Captain and 2nd Safety Officer – Jean Leclerc
- First Lieutenant – Joshua Jones
- Second Lieutenant and Training Officer - Thomas Allen
- 1st Safety Officer - Scott Ferden
- Treasurer – Sally Bridges
- Secretary - Jessie Allen
- Chaplain - Luke Wardwell
Hancock County Sheriff’s Office
Contact Information
- Address: 50 State Street, Suite 10, Ellsworth Maine 04605
- In Case of Emergency: DIAL 9-1-1
- Phone: (207) 667-7575 for general information or Maryellen Allen at 667-1404 Ext 226.
- Website: Hancock County Sheriff
Sheriff - Scott Kane
- Email: SKane@
Penobscot Transfer Station
Located at 116 Mill Creek Road, Penobscot.
Stickers required and are available at transfer station. Keep to the right of the building driving in. In the event of a power outage, the transfer station will be closed. Please have proof of residency.
- Hours: Tuesday 8 AM-4 PM and Saturday 8 AM-4 PM
- Donations of Bottles and cans left at the Town Transfer Station will be used for Penobscot Day Celebration only.
List of Recyclables for Town of Penobscot and drop off locations
The town of Penobscot has a contract with Penobscot [County] Energy Recovery Company (PERC) in Orrington, a waste-to-energy facility accepting municipal solid waste (MSW) for combustion to produce electricity for sale on the grid. Through the combustion process, PERC reduces the volume requiring landfill disposal by approximately 90%, thereby preserving precious landfill space.
- Acceptable waste for transfer to PERC includes household waste, combustible over-sized bulky waste (such as passenger car and pickup truck tires without rims), asphalt shingles, wooden furniture, carpet including rugs, pallets, plastic items, demolition wood, and textiles.
- Acceptable with fees: Demolition shingles – $15/square; chair or couch – $10 disassembled; white goods containing freon, such as refrigerators – $10 freon removal fee. (The freon will be removed before they go on the metal pile for recycling.)
- Unacceptable waste includes unsorted demolition or construction debris from building and roadway projects or locations containing materials including, but not limited to, sheetrock, inert materials (aggregate, bricks, concrete), asbestos-containing materials; abandoned or junk vehicles; hazardous waste; dead animals or portions thereof.
NOT acceptable:
- Mattresses and box springs (ask attendant how to dispose of these)
- Paint – Only empty paint cans or cans with hardened paint are accepted. (See state website for possible recycling sites for paint in cans with intact labels and no rust. Call site first to confirm that the information is current.)
- Electronic waste, including, without limitation, television sets, radios, computers, computer monitors, and accessories, all determined by PERC. If there is a county-level e-waste collection day scheduled, it will be posted on the town website.
The Maine DEP website has a map of locations where you can recycle some materials which should not go in incinerators or landfills
- Help ME Recycle – electronics, fluorescent bulbs and mercury thermostats:
- Glass – MUST go in glass pile, not in dumpster
- Metal – white goods not containing freon, other metal larger than a tin can
- Leaves or grass cuttings ONLY, in designated area
- Used motor oil ONLY (no fuel)
- Cardboard egg cartons, 1 dozen size only
- Clean newspapers
- Returnable (clean) bottles and cans. Deposits collected for these help to fund Penobscot Day fireworks.
Note: Some residents have formed a Penobscot Recycling Group to look into further options for recycling. For more information, contact the Town Clerk.
(Back to top)Other Services and Assistance
Additional Services with Support from Our Community
- Blue Hill Society for Aid to Children (BHSAC)
- Eastern Area Agency on Aging
- Garry Owen House
- Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County
- LifeFlight Foundation
- Loaves & Fishes Pantry
- Maine Coast Heritage Trust
- Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries
- Northern Light Home Care and Hospice
- Penobscot Days Celebration and Fireworks
- Penobscot Histoical Society
- Peninsula Ambulance
- Sweetster
- Women Infants and Children Program (Unwed Mothers Reserve)
There is a General Assistance Fund that is available to town residents in need. Contact the Town Office for details on requirements and how to apply.
Emergency Preparedness
The website contains substantial information about planning for specific types of emergencies and creating an emergency response plan for your family. Information is also available from the American Red Cross, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Federal Emergency Management Administration.
- The Hancock County Emergency Management Agency assists Hancock County communities with emergency planning by providing guidance, planning models, home study courses, and workshops on emergency management to local communities. The agency coordinates response and recovery in declared disasters when more than one department is responding to a threat; the disaster extends beyond the normal mutual aid boundaries of the affected community, or when several communities are involved.
- The Hancock County Hazard Mitigation Plan is available online here.
Penobscot Health
While Penobscot does not have a town hospital, there are several locations nearby that offer medical services.
- Blue Hill Memorial Hospital
- Bucksport Regional Health Center
- Castine Community Health Services- a department of Blue Hill Memorial 326-4340
- Maine Coast Memorial Hospital
- Eastern Maine Medical Center
Penobscot Post Office
Lobby Open 24/7
- Address: 21 North Penobscot Rd, Penobscot, Maine, 04476
- Phone: (207) 548-3515
- Hours: Monday-Friday: 8AM - 12PM & 1:00PM - 3:00PM, Saturday: 8AM - 11:45AM