Results of the Toddy Pond Meeting on February 17
An overview of how the towns affected might work in conjunction with the State moving forward if the towns , including Penobscot, should choose to do so. This was the final meeting to gather information before the next step.
Those present went into break out groups and tasked with answering two questions. Stated simply, 1) should the dam be kept to maintain water levels as they are now or not? and 2) if so, how should the maintenance of the dam be parsed to pay for it? A mailer went out some months ago for taxpayers input. But there was also some representatives that do not live in Penobscot but have property on Toddy Pond. And while they knew that they did not have the right to vote, they chose to come to the meeting to express their opinion.
A presentation of slides was created and can be viewed here. And for those that would like to view the entire meeting, it was recorded and can be viewed here.
Both the slide presentation as well as the recording will also be located on the Toddy Pond Dam Information page here.